People are idiots
Little bothers me more than people who try to attribute human characteristics to animals. I take that back, a lot bothers me more than that, but it still bothers me. And I am not talking about those who say "Oh, he's so cute, he wants to give her a kiss." I am talking about those people who insist that animals have deep, meaningful thoughts as if they were living in a Disney cartoon. For example, some guy takes some pictures of a dead bird and another bird that tries to "come save" the dead bird. Well, turns out the other bird was just trying to come, ie a bird expert notes that these are copulation pictures. Well, the viewers are like, How do you know, How can you PROVE that these birds weren't experiencing more, etc etc. It bothers me how desperate these people are to hold onto this fantasy of what the real world is like and how they will lash out at those who challenge that. Of course they probably would say the same thing about me.
But I am the one who is right.