Monday, May 03, 2004

It's all good

So, Ms. Yates, how does it feel to be defined by your work? Perhaps I am bitter that she has my dream job... I mean she is doing IP work right out of law school. I am so jealous. But then again, I didn't mess with the wrong guy here.

On another related note, I hate those little disclaimer/signatures that so many attorneys have set into their email. The better way to do that would be to have a way to add that when needed rather than all the time.

Last Day

Today is my last day at Smith Freed & Eberhard. As one of my friends asked: Good God! What were you thinking? Well, I was thinking that I wasn't happy and I hadn't been happy and I wasn't going to be happy. So I stepped out. If I don't find a job in the next two months I will start my own firm. Perhaps here. Perhaps in Bend/Prineville. Who knows?

Wish me luck.