Friday, March 24, 2006

Oh My F'ing God! I MUST Have These!!!

I went over to X-entertainment, which used to provide me with many laughs. Lately the updates aren't nearly as often as I'd like and the funny Robot Chicken type sketches they'd do aren't there (mind you, these came well before Robot Chicken). I was going to post about how the site isn't as fun as it used to be. And then I found the blog. And lo and behold, my new obsession arrived. Check out these babies. Star Wars characters that TRANSFORM from little guy getting into ship to big guy. So F'ing cool.

Now, back to work for me.

Tom Cruise is a tool

But I am not the only one to think so. This guy had the same idea that I did (the idea being to boycott MI3). To get some background on the point of this post, go here and you can also download the episode.

More on the Isaac Hayes controversy.

Thursday, March 23, 2006


I've been trying to post for a while.

I wanted to post about the irony of the deaf beauty pageant winner who got hit by a train that she didn't hear coming.

I wanted to post about how everyone should boycott MI3 because Tom Cruise is a chud. He has used his buttsurfing powers for evil this time, as he refused to promote MI3 if the Scientology episode of South Park were replayed. Again, don't watch MI3. EVER.

I wanted to post about how the upcoming Bond film will be absolute shit.

I wanted to post about how my brackets are no good. PITTSNOGLE!!!

I wanted to post about Isaac Hayes and his screwed up sense of right. He made his paycheck doing episodes that criticized every religion, but as soon as it came after Scientology, he called the makers proponents of bigotry and so forth. I then wanted to update on how that might have been bunk. It might have been a random scientologist nobody who put out that press release while Mr. Hayes was down with a stroke without his authority. Yeah, that's a cult I want to be a part of. Is it a religion or a pyramid scheme?

And I wanted to say thanks for coming by.