Instead of a felony, you'd think women would give him a medal
So, I like oral sex, giving and receiving. What does this mean? It means there are some
States I shouldn't move to. A cop busts a couple for "crimes against nature" because he was performing oral sex on her in a car. The "in the car" part makes the case interesting, but the fact is, the statute doesn't deliniate between location of the act, it just prohibits the act itself. Hello, constitutional challenge. Anyway, for all the hub-bub that shows like "Sex in the City" and whatever show a female is in you'd think that every women's group would be protesting the hell out of this one. I can see it now... Signs saying "Laws like this were passed by men who couldn't stand to do their duty" or whatnot. You can probably come up with funnier lines than that, but hey, its the end of the work day. My brain left five minutes ago.
(Note: That first line should ensure that my mother never reads this site again.)