Monday, June 06, 2005

Everybody Loves Brad on June 10

I just saw a sign that said that on my way back to work from meeting with a client. It was advertising the older brother from "Raymond" being at Spirit Mountain, but I thought it was cool.

In other, less Brad-centric news, Researchers have determined that Dolphins can and do use tools and that they learn from their mothers. See the story here. I am surprised that everyone is surprised this is going on, and at the same time happy to see proof of intelligence being displayed beyond the borders of man and apes. I think way too many people think Humans are the only ones capable of learning or thought. Second, I've never quite believed that animals "learn" habits genetically. It's always made more sense that they have learned by watching and doing.

Bush is a dipweed, and the Supreme Court ruled incorrectly

First, read the news. The Supreme Court ruled that the Federal government gets to regulate pot use and not the states. Let me begin by saying I am not a pro-drug advocate. I was just in an argument this weekend about why pot should not be legalized, so let's start there. I still feel that way, but the Supreme Court used poor logic in their determination (if the article linked above is correct in its summary of the ruling). The SC stated that Pot regulation was within Congress' purview because it substantially affected interstate commerce. If this was a true statement, then Congress could regulate personal growth of marajuana raised for medicinal purposes. However, the government's argument was that marajuana is part of the gang society and funds from pot use are used for terrorism. Do you spot the flaw yet? Those are results of illegal sale of marajuana, not homegrown use for medicinal purposes. If anything, the homegrown use of marajuana would be against those above referenced negative affects on the economy. The governnment is essentially saying "Illegally purchased drugs are having a bad effect on the economy, therefore legally purchased or used drugs should be subject to Congress' power." That is a poor argument. Now that I've gone off on that line, I think I just wanted to say that Bush's quote in the article is a perfect example of this poor reasoning.

Down with Drugs - but first lets say "Down with an oppressive, overreaching governmental system and Up with the Constitution as viewed prior to Bush". Okay, so that chant just won't work, but you get the idea. Weed is bad for America, but Bush is worse.

Updating - Dating Myself

So I haven't posted in about a week or so....

It is less than 4 days to my birthday. Why do I mention this? Because I just realized how close it was today. I have been sort of oblivious to its approach, but every now and again it has come onto my radar (like when someone asks me what I want for my birthday). Anyway, I didn't realize how close it is. I will be really old. 31. An eternity of eternities for your common housefly. I am older than Pac Man, the Nintendo, the home computer, the cel phone, those color change t-shirts that were all the rage for about three weeks in the late 80's (Hypercolor, that's it), and Chris Kryzanek.

So, I am at the end of my 30th year on the planet, and what have I accomplished? I've made the world a worse place than it was before I got here and have done more harm to other people's lives than good. Just like 99% of the world.