So, I got an email from Melissa asking Why I Blog...
I blog for a few reasons. The main reason is simply that there are some things that happen in my life that I want to share and talk about but I don't have anyone to share the information with. I have lots of friends but sometimes there needs to be a line between what you share with friends and what you don't. If you make your friends your counselors it can change the relationship. Sometimes I just need to talk things through and write them out so that I can really address the issues in my own way. Its like an acceptance module. But not all of my blogging is me having counseling meetings with myself. Sometimes, I just have realizations about the nature of the world and want to share them. Other times I want to bounce around a theory on the world. Other times I just find things funny and want to share them. Part of the beauty of a blog is that one is not really aware of ones audience. Anytime I write something I have no way of knowing whether no one will read it or if dozens of people will read it. While I aspire for my blog to be a witty insightful view on life with thoughtful pieces, it just isn't that way for a few reasons. First, if I only blogged when I had something to say intelligent, I would fall out of practice of blogging. Blogging is something you have to be dedicated to lest one only publish like 3 times a year. Second, I need my blog to be more personal than that. The thoughtful retrospective pieces seem a little to detached. Lastly, I don't have the patience for that. When something occurs to me, I am either at the computer writing it out quickly, or I have this masterful plan thought out and I just blow it when it comes time to blog. Anyway, this is why I blog.