Friday, April 29, 2005

Social Altruism in Toads? I don't think so

I recently heard about "exploding toads" while talking to my aunt the other day on the phone. I saw the article regarding the toads on and was surprised it didn't have pictures. I then did some more research, and found more on the subject than I expected on Wikipedia, which I had never heard of. (Note, one of the "scientists" it quotes hypothesizes that the toads are killing themselves as some sort of social altruism due to overpopulation... um, since when do encyclopedia's cite to idiots?) I was excited when I found this link to a TV station's coverage of the incident. I was greatly disappointed, like John of Sore Eyes, that there is no video coverage of this to be found. I mean, if there is something that I want to see on video it is toads exploding. I mean, how cool is that. (This is the 12 year old in me speaking) And for no reason: A link to Aljazeera's coverage of the exploding toads. Now excuse me while Bush uses the seemingly unconstitutional Patriot Act to rummage through my garbage, put a tap on my phone, and rape my mother.


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