Monday, May 22, 2006

Day Three - Polish* Pick Up Lines

If I told you that you had a beautiful body, would you be angry?

Was your dad a thief because I'm missing my wallet.

Would you like to have breakfast? Should I have my mom make it or do you want to cook?

Did it hurt? (she asks what) When god threw you out of heaven and made you a fallen angel.

I lost my number, can you give it to me?

I don't work for UPS, so those brown shorts you are wearing really don't do it for me. (NOTE: This is a based on a pickup line I made up "I don't work for UPS so you can stop checking out my package.")

That a very becoming shirt. I just came in my pants looking at you in it.

Nice shoes? Did you get them at K-Mart?

*Insert Blonde Guy, or any other stereotype that represents an easily confused or stupid person.

That's day three of made up jokes. I'd like to think its my best work so far.


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