Saturday, April 16, 2005

Speaking of Poker

There is a battle brewing between event sponsors (IE hotels, WPT, Casinos, Advertisers) and Poker players. The battle ground? Player's ability to wear Logo's at Events. While I don't agree with the author's suggestion of a unionization of Poker Players (there is an ample supply of scabs who can be made celebrities), I do think its a good read. Via Iggy. Speaking of Iggy, he's having a blogger tourney soon. While reading about it, I noted that there will only be 2200 entries allowed to the $1500 buy-in event. I'd be surprised if that 2200 hasn't already sold out. Hell, I think it'd be a good investment to buy out the entries and resell them for a profit. I mean your percent wouldn't be much, but in terms of bulk it could work cause they will all sell. Hell, once they sell out, their value is more. You could sell them to online poker sites for their own satellites, and those satellite values will be more once the supply is gone. Anyone got a spare $150,000 to buy up 100 spots?

I don't.


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