Wednesday, March 19, 2003

Hey, buddy. Wanna buy some rights? If not, how about some basic human rights. Ok, that brings up something I hadn't thought about in a while. I don't believe in human rights other than say a right not to be killed. No right to a job, no right to a job, no right to nada. So it bothers me when people say that there are rights to a job and such. People say things along those lines all the time. The bright-line of at will employment seems to be fading. But I really haven't looked at the issue very closely. What can I say? I am an uninformed american with a blog and an opinion. This post felt almost obligatory after joining a blawg ring. Normally I will not post anything about law or politics, although I am considering posting some poems I wrote during 1L about res ipsa loquitor and such.


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