Wednesday, May 12, 2004


There we go. Links, email link, and the damn archive stuff is way at the bottom. I still need to add links to my early, early, early blog entries. I've been blogging for over four years. I probably should find out when this blog's birthday is.

My links are shorter now than they were before. I tried to make it a list of pages I view on a regular basis, rather than just an eclectic list of pages I had enjoyed at one time or another. Sadly, many of my former favorites are no longer blogging. But at least Mr. Poon hasn't stopped. His page has made the loss of Patentpending more bearable.

Oh, and I've made nearly $1,000 in the last week playing poker.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Comments? holy crap Batman, Blogger is the man! Hey, update my link to 'monkyeinabox' not Monkey Boy!!!!!

11:44 AM  

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