Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Professional Poker Player

Ah, since I am unemployed (again), I am (again) a professional poker player. This time around it is going much better. I have made enough in the last week to pay rent, insurance, and for one week's worth of groceries. Perhaps I should just chalk that run up to luck. Perhaps.

Anyway, I need to start making appointments for health care stuff being as I am on my last month of health insurance.

Oh, about the redesign, Chris suggested I change templates. I think I will be happier with this new redesign, although it does but more pressure on me to have actual good posts, which for me are few and far between. I will have to do some adjustments now that all my links are gone.


Blogger esq. said...

Online or off. If on can I ask what site you use? Happy with it?

6:27 PM  

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